Yo Yo Master!

Here's a new video! Love it♥ HAHAHA the bird is so funny! Without even trying O.O

1 Month ago ♥

Exactly 1 month ago...
We woke up early in the morning. Went to Kista. Stod in the front row, and waited for the twins. It was not easy to stand there. Everyone who stod behind us, pushed everyone who stod in the front row, it was tough. Everyone was going craZy when the finally arrived.

After Kista, we went to Fryshuset, and waited there. When the opened the doors, everyone ran into the local ( Or whatever you want to call it ). It was amazing! Seriously, it was the best concert ever ♥. It wasn't easy standing there as well, it was even crazier!
Everything still feels lika a dream. Take me back ♥

John smashing eggs!

A new video! John smashing colourfull eggs :) Looks so much fun!
Gonna try that as well... one day. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day I know, I'll smash colourfull eggs ^^

Our Story♥

I finally got the book! Got it for 2 days ago ^^ SO HAPPY! But I don't want to read it... Cause I don't want the book to end ♥ Everyone says: But you can read it over and over again.
But its not the same then. If you guys know what i mean. When you read a book for the first time, you're super excited, cause you don't know what's written in it. And when you read the book for the second time, you already know what's written it it and, yeah. It's just not the same ;)
Hahaha, okay i'm actually not so good to describe things. But I hope you know what i mean anyway!

Ny Video!

Hahaha fett söta ♥

Jedward BBC breakfast♥

Video från idag när John och Edward var med i BBC idag på morgonen:)

Imorgon kommer det att bli den bästa dagen i mitt liv♥

För jag ska till Sommarkrysset och se JEDWARD! ♥
Asså jag kan inte fatta det! Jag är så jävla lycklig :')
När min kompis sa att Jedward kommer att komma till Sverige snart, så grät jag av glädje tårar. Jag har väntat och väntat, och jag kan seriöst inte fatta att jag kommer att se de, IMORGON♥


Kommer vakna tidigt imorgon, för att få den bästa platsen ^^
Vet faktiskt inte vad jag ska skriva mer... ♥
// Priscilla♥

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