We are four jedicated jedheads and this is our jepic blog. It's about us, what we do but most of all it's about Jedward. Almoust everything. xD
Well, well, hope you enjoy it and keep reading. We'll update as much as we can. Don't forget to share the blog with your friends and other jedheads! =:D
Stay Jepic!
Best day ever!!!
Omg,Today whas the best day ever
I met robert Pattinson and Ashley green with my sister
Omg! This is craZy! They are going to do the eurovision again! So excited♥ It's gonna be awesome. I hope that they will win :)
When they performed Lipstick in the semifinal. I remember that I was super excited to watch the semifinal, and sat in front of the TV like a nerd or something.
omg today my sister went to get tickets to Robert Pattinson and Ashley green next friday. And she got them , she was late but there were loads of tickets left.Every person gets two tickets. So my sister is going to bring me with her. I am so fucking happy. Honestly don't know what to do right now!!. HERES A PHOTO OF THE TICKET!!!!!
We woke up early in the morning. Went to Kista. Stod in the front row, and waited for the twins. It was not easy to stand there. Everyone who stod behind us, pushed everyone who stod in the front row, it was tough. Everyone was going craZy when the finally arrived.
After Kista, we went to Fryshuset, and waited there. When the opened the doors, everyone ran into the local ( Or whatever you want to call it ). It was amazing! Seriously, it was the best concert ever ♥. It wasn't easy standing there as well, it was even crazier!
Everything still feels lika a dream. Take me back ♥
Today has been a boring day. Exept that me priscilla mariayam sarah and two other girls are making a loong fanletter to John and Edward. It´s our happy birthday present. But my friens in school called sara. Made a video of my other friend nadin when she falls of the chair in math class . It´s so funny. You´ve got to watch this.
Here´s the video
It´s soooo funny hahahahahhaha Here´s a random Jedpic
I know it´s been a while sense i blogged. But it´s been kinda tuff this week. I Love twitter . Priscilla said that i have to get one,so I did. Now i can see what John and Edward are doing everyday!!! How awesome is THAT???? But for a couple of hours ago they twitted facts abuout themselves.
Wanna hear some
Jedfact 1.
#JEDWARDfact The most weirdest CraZy snack John and Edward eat is Water with Cereal!
#JEDWARDfact Jedward's third Album is coming out next Year 2012 - and it's gonna change the World!
#JEDWARDfact Jedward want a Kid from each country and enter them all in the Olympics! Because they want to WIN!
#JEDWARDfact John and Edward's Biggest Fans in the World is Their Granny! She gives the best Hugs and always makes them smile and laugh!
#JEDWARDfact Once Jedward got an 'F' in an Exam but They changed it to a 'Fantastic'! A=Awesome B=Britney C= Cool D=Dreamer E= Excellent
Had so much fun! Even though we came two hours late.. xD
Well, well at least we saw some jedheads. ^^ We took a walk in the city, we went to sneakers n' stuff but it was closed so we ran around and asked some random persons if they knew who Jedward were. We also asked them to say 'Jedward'. Some said it but some people just ignored us. But when they said it every jedhead started to scream, it was hilarious.
WOW OH WOW! Another brand new video! What do you think? I love it but I'm waiting for something else.. 400,000 FOLLOWERS VIDEO! So excited, can't wait! <3
Hi!!! I love the new design Priscilla , its cosy . But i wanted to talk about how much i love The Swedish Idol this year. Every girl has a great voice. But I always have 2 favorites . This year their names are Amanda Persson and Amanda Fondell. Same name i know, but they dont have anything incomment. Amanda p has a great voice whos just go right through your heart. And Amanda has a unique voice which is very great i think . She could do a not so good song to the best song you`ve ever heard.
Hear are som youtube clips of both of them singing...
I finally got the book! Got it for 2 days ago ^^ SO HAPPY! But I don't want to read it... Cause I don't want the book to end ♥ Everyone says: But you can read it over and over again.
But its not the same then. If you guys know what i mean. When you read a book for the first time, you're super excited, cause you don't know what's written in it. And when you read the book for the second time, you already know what's written it it and, yeah. It's just not the same ;)
Hahaha, okay i'm actually not so good to describe things. But I hope you know what i mean anyway!
Idag har vi varit ute och snackat om dansen.Vi fick låna en dansstudio i skolan och vi ska ha sjukt roligt!!!!! vi börjar nästa torsdag , i think om alla kan alltså men vi vet int vad vi ska heta elr vilken låt vi ska dansa till men vi kommer på det snart Jedward har varit lite otrogen mot de i ett teg men nu ska jag bli en Jedhead har Victory och nästa vecka har jag deras book LÄNGTAR men det var väll allt och här ee en låt som jag dööör för