Our Story♥

I finally got the book! Got it for 2 days ago ^^ SO HAPPY! But I don't want to read it... Cause I don't want the book to end ♥ Everyone says: But you can read it over and over again.
But its not the same then. If you guys know what i mean. When you read a book for the first time, you're super excited, cause you don't know what's written in it. And when you read the book for the second time, you already know what's written it it and, yeah. It's just not the same ;)
Hahaha, okay i'm actually not so good to describe things. But I hope you know what i mean anyway!

Postat av: julia.

sv: ohyes! :)

2011-10-02 @ 21:00:27
URL: http://spacecastle.blogg.se/

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